honesterotica hits the road running ...
It’s all rather exciting!
The big news is that Priscilla Frank, the arts correspondent for Huffington Post, did a lovely piece on Clara Tice and honesterotica on Monday 24 April – you can read it here – and the visitor count to the website went through the roof. As of midnight last night nearly 4,000 people had visited, with over 160,000 page views. It’s even in Spanish on the HuffPost Brazil site. Makes all that effort worthwhile! We even have 200 Twitter followers, even though we only opened the Twitter account a month ago.

We’ve been watching what visitors are most interested in on the site, and one of the fascinating results is that of the fifteen most-viewed illustrators we feature, eight are women. The fifteen, in order, are Lynne Paula Russell, Clara Tice, Paul-Emile Bécat, Suzanne Ballivet, Gerda Wegener, George Barbier, Edouard Chimot, Serge Czerefkov, Betty Dodson, Mario Tauzin, John Buckland Wright, Amandine Doré, Jean Dulac, Monica Guevara, and Melinda Gebbie.
Interesting, isn’t it?
Lots of people have been completing the questionnaire too, so quite soon we’ll be able to bring you some results from that, including age and gender stats, and which of the images turn visitors on most.
It’s all very heartening; we had a feeling that there was a real need for some honest erotic illustration to match the sea of porn out there. It seems we were right!
Keep telling your friends about honesterotica, and keep letting us know what you think about the site. If you are in a position to write a review or link to the site, feel free and let us know if you need any input from us – we’re always happy to help.