What’s new
So what’s that dangly bit actually for?
10th February 2021
It seems that German artists after WW1 were having a bit of a sexual identity crisis; if women were gaining power, what did that mean for phallic privilege? The anonymous Pipifax (German for a piddling trifle) had a few rather grotesque ideas – you can see them here.
The best of French spooning
9th February 2021
Do you know the difference between bon couché and con bouché? If you love spoonerisms (and who doesn’t?) you'll appreciate Léon Courbouleix’s Lapsus Linguae (slips of the tongue to you and us) – explore and enjoy this new portfolio here.
Up-market debauchery
8th February 2021
We know very little about the Belgian illustrator Georges Drains, but in 1921 he produced the most exquisite artwork for the Marquis de Sade’s Venice Brothel. New on the site, see the whole portfolio and more here. Enjoy!
Flesh, juice and (possibly) fun
7th February 2021
Another thought-provoking contemporary artist for you today, New York-based Monica Cook, with her viscerally haunting paintings featuring fish and pomegranates, oxygen cylinders and wheelchairs – oh, and naked women. Visit them here and see what you think.
Erotic classics in powerful comic format
5th February 2021
A new artist today for all you lovers of erotic French bandes desinées – Philippe Cavell’s amazing interpretations of Sade’s Juliette and Cleland’s Fanny Hill. See the artwork and learn about the multi-talented artist here. Enjoy!
O Mensch! Gib acht!
4th February 2021
If 1920s flappers wearing nothing but silk stockings is your thing, you’ll love this new artist, Ludwig Lutz Ehrenberger. Heartfelt cry from the artist’s own experience or merely an opportunity to exhibit his lesbian fantasies? Judge for yourself – see his work here.
The Scarlet Pimpernel of erotica
3rd February 2021
Today’s new artist is even more elusive than Q (our Anon is much more rewarding!). Who was the prolific ‘Fameni’ of the fertile erotic imagination? Whoever they were, you can see the best online collection of their work here. Can you offer any more clues?
Monica Guevara in The Erotic Review
2nd February 2021
One of our favourite illustrators is Monica Guevara and her trademark minimalist line drawings. We’ve just added all her illustrations from The Erotic Review between 1998 and 2002, and hope you think they’re as brilliant and original as we do – see them all here.
A good reason to stay in bed
1st February 2021
An amuse bouche of a new artist today, the almost-forgotten Gaston Trilleau and his ‘libertine morning’ drawings. Proves that sometimes simplest is best. See him at https://honesterotica.com/illustrator/gaston-trilleau…, and enjoy your morning experimenting with a few simple delights.
Tales of Gallant Ladies
31st January 2021
This new portfolio containing the illustrations from the 1950 two-volume edition of Les dames galantes includes the best-known of Brantôme’s tales, accompanied by sixty of Schem’s (here under his real name of Raoul Serres) best book illustrations. They are very much ‘galante’, gently erotic rather than overtly sexual, but there is just enough naked flesh to whet the imagination! See them all here.